Pablo Núñez Ruiz

Webdeveloper Portfolio


Let me explain you a little bit about me and my motivations

When I was 8 years old I used a 486 computer for the first time. Since then, technology has always been present in my life (I have always been a gamer, almost exclusively on PC!).

I got the first job of my life at 16 years old, in a cyber café, where I had my first contact with learning about networks and systems administration.

Later I spent 3 years as a professional soldier in the communications corps of the Spanish army. I chose that specialty precisely because of my passion for technology.

After that, it was difficult for me to determine what I wanted to study, and I ended up deciding on another of my passions: history. But still, during the time it took me to prepare for the university entrance exam, I did not put technology aside. I took a total of 700 hours of training courses: Cisco CCNA Course, and Computer Systems Administration on Linux and Windows Server.

Due to the effects of the economic crisis in Spain, I had to abandon my studies of History at the Universty of Valencia after 3 years, and I moved to Germany. After a long period of adaptation, I have managed to build a stable life ... until COVID.

The Pandemic catalyzed my desire to change professions in order to be able to adapt to the circumstances. This time I decided to take my passion for technology out of the hobby bay, and I started creating a personal project while still maintaining my job. I discovered the world of SEO, learned to make web pages withWordpress and how to optimize the SEO parameters. However I felt limited, since I had ignored Web Development up to this date.

In November 2020 I decided to remedy this, and I enrolled in the ILS distance study school in Hamburg, to train as a Web Developer. Although the course was scheduled to last 1 year, with almost exclusive dedication to the study I managed to obtain the certificate as "Geprüfter Webentwickler" (Tested Webdeveloper) in May 2021 (5 months before planned!).

At the same time, I have been doing my first projects and tests (as it's always said, "programming is learned by programming"), and now I think the time has come to make the leap to professional dedication as a web developer.

Learning is one of my biggest motivations, and if it's technology, even better!
© 2021 Pablo Núñez Ruiz - Webdeveloper